Thursday, October 24, 2013

Letters to Happiness - Smile


You've seen it done before. You were walking done the street and you see this disgustingly cheerful person walking towards you with a stupid smile on their face and as they pass you, they drop a, “hey, how’s it going” on your head. And you wanted to punch their face.


We’re going to do it too.

If you don’t want to risk being punched in the face you can do it in your own home but it works a lot better out on the street and no one’s really going to punch you. Take a deep breath, clear your mind and think smile. Did you smile? You tried didn't you? And then as soon as you smile, your muscle is going to protest because it’s pulling awkwardly against gravity. So you let your face drop again and you said, “This is stupid and it doesn't work.”

Try it again.

Yes, I’m serious. Have you ever wondered why little kids smile so much? Why are they always happy? That’s right, because they don’t know the dark and evil aspects of the world. Well, why should knowing that there is bad in the world prevent us from enjoying the good? If you give in, you’re just helping them to win.

So smile! Yes, I’m going to be persistent and no, you’re not allowed to skip to the next section. Smile! Hold it for five minutes. If you can’t think of a happy memory yourself, think happy movies, think jokes and music and TV shows. Make yourself laugh. Giggle! Pretend to be drunk.

Smile often. It excites your hormones.

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