- Opportunities lie in the impossible 因為不可能,才有機會
- Don't let go 不要輕易放手
- If there' a will, there's a way 皇天不負苦心人
- Future is unpredictable 令人不解的未來
- Miracles begin with imagination 奇蹟從想像力開始
- Taking that Leap of Faith
- A Great Goal that Requires Sacrifice
- 祢為什麼不幫我?
Letter to Happiness 幸福信
- Introduction 前言
- Say it out loud 大聲說出來
- Be an artist 當個藝術家
- Smile 笑一個
- Let it be (中文版)
- Take a new look 重新看世界
- You're so not an idiot
- Our Words are Our Weapons
My Story 我的故事
- Growing up 長大過程
- Becoming Christian 歸信經歷
- Serving a mission 出去傳教
- Going to Law school 報考法學院
- To My Friends
- 傳教後的我們
Originals 原創