Monday, January 26, 2015

Our Words are Our Weapons

Back in the missionary training center, we did an exercise that I remember even now. The instructor came into with two helium balloons and asked for volunteers to help with a small demonstration. I don't really like to be in the center of spotlight, but for the balloons, I volunteers. So I stood in the middle with someone else and we each held a balloon.

Balloons are happy... at least for me they are. They're pretty and fun and they float in the air in bright colors. It's great! I was happy I got a balloon. And then the instructor asked us some questions.

" What did you think about where you were called?" He said
"I was surprised but excited." I replied
"I wanted to go somewhere new."
"Did anyone tell you differently?" 
"What did they say?"
"They told me it was going to be cold and the language is hard."
"What's the worst one"
"Someone came to me and said... 'We'll pray for you.'"

** POP **

I jumped a the sudden noise and looked up in time to see my happy balloon fall down, struck by a needle in the instructor's hand. And I thought, "but... my balloon! You popped my balloon!" 

And then came the powerful lesson that I never forgot: Don't let others pop your balloon.

It is so easy, observers of our life, bystanders and passerby to whisper a word or two and tell you how horrible things are. You're not doing great. Life sucks for you. Sucks to be you. You have no hope. You have no chance. You just got the bad deal.

It is never so. No matter what happens in life, know that there is a real. There is a loving Heavenly Father who watches over you. He's not a passive God eager to punish. Our life are not in the hands of fate or destiny. We are divine children of a divine being. And life only sucks if you think it sucks. So forget what others say. They can mock and judge and point fingers while sitting in their sinking boat. That's not your problem.

As I was preparing to get married at age 24, many people questioned my choice. You're still so young. You've only met the guy for less than an year. You could have gone to grad school or get a better job. You can still travel. After a while, I began to waver. I didn't understand how I could be so sure of a decision and feel so insecure all at the same time.

And then it dawned on me. I was hesitating because, and only because, I've heard too many people say too many things. I understand, they mean well. They care for me and want me to be happy. They worry that I'm making the wrong decision. And yet, their off-handed mean-well words become the source of my discomfort.

So I let it go. It truly doesn't matter what they say or think. Yea, I'm not 100% sold on my decisions. I have my doubts and I have my fears but life is never sure. If you let everyone around you persuade you, you will stand still or worst, go around in circles. Trust yourself and don't ever let others pop your balloons. If you made a decision. If you feel happy, excited and good about something. Focus on the positive energy and keep your balloon floating.

No need to be miserable because others are doubting.

and most importantly, 

Don't be the one that pop others' balloons. 

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